Video Teaser
Ranked 4th in the Top500 list, with an expected HPL peak of 240 pFlops, 4992 liquid-cooled computing nodes, 111 pByte of storage, we present Leonardo and all its futuristic specifications.
Leonardo will make a substantial contribution to multiple fields of application such as: numerical simulation for materials science and astrophysics, urgent computing to fight climate change and pandemics, industrial applications for engineering and geophysics, up to use of artificial intelligence and big data dedicated to human development.
The concept of the teaser video is a tribute to supercomputing: Leonardo is formed from the union of many small spheres that symbolize aggregations of big data, a cloud of points suspended in space that takes shape and generates the digital twin.
Produced by Cineca, it is made with Blender software, uses Leonardo’s 3D models starting from the highly detailed CAD projects provided by Atos and takes you on an emotional journey to discover Leonardo’s structure and its components.
It was previewed during Leonardo’s inauguration ceremony, and is now available on the official youtube channel.
- Production: Cineca
- Direction: Giovanni Bellavia
- Animation and graphics: Daniele De Luca
- Scientific manager: Antonella Guidazzoli
- 3D modeling: Daniele De Luca, Paolo Zuzolo
- 3D models: Atos, Cineca
- Music: VESHZA “Freeway”
HPC Video Contributions (in order of appearance):
- Event display candidates in search for nonresonant Higgs pair production in the WW gamma-gamma channel – CERN
- Into the (un)known – Inaf, Università di Bologna, Cineca Visitlab
- MAX project
- ChEESE project
- Exascalate4COV, PL-PRO
- Human Brain Project
- e-SHyIPS
- Il sottosuolo in 3D: l’imaging sismico – Eni
- Destination Earth Project
- Highlander Project
- iMedia Cities