This page collects the available opportunities to get support in the implementation of a PoCs to test before invest, or projects. 

Depending on the type of call, the project or PoC can be supported by technical expertise, computing hours and/or funds covering part of the costs. 

Calls may address different size and typology of projects / PoCs, as well as be limited to specific technologies (i.e.: quantum computing), or to the participation of given typologies of applicants (i.e.: small and medium enterprises). 

Calls have own criteria of eligibility of the proposals and of the applicants, as well as own evaluation criteria of the submitted proposals. The pages linked in this section provide the explanation, timing, requirements, application instructions, and evaluation criteria of each initiative. 


Calls at the European level

SAE - The Smart Anything Everywhere

The Smart Anything Everywhere (SAE) Initiative aligns different projects (so-called Innovation Actions) in various Technology Areas. It offers funding to SMEs and mid-caps to enhance their products and services through the inclusion of innovative digital technologies.


I4MS – ICT Innovation for Manufacturing SMEs is one of the key initiatives of the European Commission to shape the pan-European network of Digital Innovation Hubs. As an SME or a mid-cap you can apply for technological and financial support to experiment with different technologies and services to improve the innovation skills of your staff and the technologies and services your company provides.

Other EU call opportunities (not necessarily related to HPC and related technologies) can be found at this link.

Calls at the Italian level

Centri di competenza Industria 4.0

The Industry 4.0 Competence Centers are Public-Private Partnerships aimed at orienting and training companies on Industry 4.0. At the same time, the Competence Centers support companies, with specific reference to SMEs, to implement innovative projects, to foster industrial research and experimental activities for the development or the enhancement of new products, processes, and services by use of advanced technologies. Here the pages dedicated to calls of each Competence Center
