Classifica Top500
The latest edition of the TOP500 list was released on Monday during the first day of the SC23 conference in Denver, USA.
The TOP500 list ranks the world’s most powerful supercomputers based on their performance on the LINPACK benchmark: stressing the machine by having it solve dense systems of linear equations, scaling the problems to achieve the highest possible speed. The TOP500 list is published twice a year, in June and November, and is an essential benchmark for the supercomputing community.
In this November’s list the EuroHPC system, hosted and managed by Cineca, is once again the second most powerful supercomputer in Europe, and places at 6th position in the global rankings, demonstrating that it is a world-class supercomputing resource.
With an HPL performance of 238.7 petaflops, and a peak performance of 304.47 petaflops, Leonardo’s exceptional computing capabilities meet the diverse needs of European users and researchers in all scientific fields, from medicine to agriculture and many others.
Leonardo maintains its status as Europe’s preeminent high-performance computing resource. With its architecture based on Eviden‘s BullSequana XH2000 technology, is ideal for compute-intensive tasks such as data processing, high-performance data analytics, artificial intelligence and machine learning.
In 2024, Leonardo will receive an upgrade that will introduce a new partition, further expanding its capacity and expertise and serving as an invaluable resource for the European scientific community.