LArge AI

Today, Commissioner Thierry Breton announced the winners of the Large AI Grand Challenge in Brussels: four pioneering startups that will share €1 million and 8 million GPU hours on EuroHPC supercomputers, LUMI and LEONARDO, advancing Europe’s leadership in AI development: Lingua Custodia (France), Unbabel (Portugal), Tilde (Latvia), Textgain (Belgium).

All these initiatives underscore the extensive innovation and strategic focus within AI development in Europe, addressing a wide spectrum of areas from linguistic inclusivity, societal challenges, and efficiency in different sectors. Additional compute time will be allocated to the supercomputer MareNostrum 5 hosted by Barcelona Supercomputing Centre. 

The supercomputing time will significantly accelerate the AI model development, reducing training times from years to weeks.  Cineca’s LEONARDO will be instrumental in training a model from scratch using over 30 billion parameters, showcasing its immense computational power and Cineca’s personnel expertise in the management of projects based on AI.  

In 12 months, the winners are expected to release their developed models under an open-source license for non-commercial use or publish their research findings. 

European AI Innovation  

Launched in November 2023, the Large AI Grand Challenge promotes European AI excellence. Supported by AI-BOOST, the European Commission, and the EuroHPC Joint Undertaking, the initiative received 94 proposals, highlighting Europe’s vibrant AI landscape. Cineca is proud to support these innovative AI projects, underscoring its commitment to advancing AI research and applications in Europe. 

More info on EuroHPC JU Press Release