European Supercomputing Excellence in the Exascale Era
The EuroHPC Summit 2023 will take place from Monday 20 March to Thursday 23 March in Gothenburg, Sweden. The theme of this year’s conference is “European Supercomputing Excellence in the Exascale Era”.
Once again, key European HPC stakeholders, from suppliers to scientific and industrial users, to policy makers, will gather to showcase the latest achievements and opportunities in the European supercomputing ecosystem, but also to discuss and reflect on the current and future challenges in HPC.
Organized by EuroHPC JU, the Summit is one of the key moments of the year to take stock of developments in the HPC sector, and provides a great opportunity for attendees to network and connect with the European HPC community.
Cineca will participate in three different sessions.
On Tuesday, day dedicated to the opportunities for users, Sanzio Bassini, Director of the HPC department of the consortium, will partecipate in the session titled “Appetite for Industrial Grade Supercomputers in the EU? How Do We Get European Industry Ready for Exascale?“.
While on Wednesday, all dedicated to the next scientific challenges, during the session “Scientific Developments in HPC & Energy Efficiency: Showcasing the Latest Scientific Innovation in HPC and Energy Technologies“, Daniele Cesarini, Project Manager & HPC Technology Specialist, will talk about the evolution of computing systems architecture to optimize the energy efficiency of next-generation supercomputers, a topic of particular interest when considered in the context of the development of Leonardo‘s new module, LISA (we talked about it here).
During the same day, Sanzio Bassini will also participate in the parallel session titled “Scientific & Industrial Opportunities in HPC: A Conversation on Latest Developments with EuroHPC’s Hosting Entities“.
More information are avaliable on the event website.