How to access Leonardo HPC resources
Italian SuperComputing Resource Allocation (ISCRA)
The calls managed by ISCRA are open to all scientists and researchers affiliated with Italian research organizations that need large amounts of time/machine allocation, support resources and data storage to pursue relevant scientific advances.
At present there are three different types of ISCRA calls:
Calls ISCRA B – standard projects
These are calls for medium-sized projects (from 50’00 to 250’000 GPU hours on Leonardo-Booster and/or from 500’000 to 3’600’000 CORE hours on Galileo100) and have a maximum duration of 12 months from resource allocation date.
For this type of call it is also possible to request the assistance of specialist support, the assignment of which in any case depends on the resources available for the call. ISCRA B calls are generally announced twice a year (generally in the periods May-June and November-December).
Applications must be submitted using an online form and both technical and scientific evaluation is done according to peer review criteria.
Calls ISCRA C – Small projects for research, test and development
ISCRA C calls have a maximum duration of 9 months from the date of assignment of resources.
These are calls reserved for research projects with limited resource requirements (up to 8’000 GPU hours on Marconi100 and up to 100’000 core hours on Galileo100), test and development projects or specific projects with post-processing or visualization objectives of data. They have standard support, but specialist support can be requested at the submission stage, although the actual assignment of the latter depends on the availability of resources for the call.
These calls are continuous submission with a monthly cut off (15th of each month except August).
Calls ISCRA D – Data storage
The ISCRA D calls are specific calls aimed at satisfying the storage needs of users who have previously had calculation projects on CINECA machines and need to keep the data produced for a significant time (indicatively from a few tens to a few hundred TB for 2- 3 years).
Class C projects 
Next deadline: March 15th 2025
More information on the project sizes and on the machines accessible through each call is available at this link.
The guideline for submitting projects is available here.
The call calendar can be consulted at this link.
Consult the ISCRA FAQ.
For clarifications on the submission procedure, please send an email to [email protected]
eurohpc Access
The calls managed by EuroHPC JU are open to all scientists and researchers affiliated with European research centers and industries who need large allocations of time / machine, support resources and data storage to pursue significant scientific advances.
Access to EuroHPC resources is intended solely for Research and Development purposes. All EuroHPC calls for proposals are open to academia, industry and the public sector, under specific conditions. Applicants should carefully check the complete eligibility criteria listed in the text of the respective call for proposals and in the related mandate. EuroHPC JU Centers may impose additional restrictions on who is eligible to access their systems. It is the responsibility of applicants to ensure that they are eligible to access the systems they have applied for.
Applicants can request machine time on the EuroHPC JU supercomputers available via:
- Benchmark and access to development
- Regular access (one-year projects)
- Extreme Scale Access (one-year projects)
- AI and Data-Intensive Application Access (one-year projects)
For more information on the calls and how to participate, please refer to the EuroHPC JU website.
EuroHPC JU Call for Proposals for Benchmark Access 
Opening date: December 1st 2024
Deadline model: Multiple cut-off
Upcoming deadlines: March 1st 2025 | April 1st 2025 | May 1st 2025
EuroHPC JU Call for Proposals for Development Access 
Opening date: Decemer 1st 2024
Deadline model: Multiple cut-off
Upcoming deadlines: March 1st 2025 | April 1st 2025 | May 1st 2025
EuroHPC Regular Access 
Opening Date: February 3rd 2025
Deadline model: Multiple cut-off
Deadline : March 28th 2025 | September 5th 2025
EuroHPC JU Call for Proposals for Extreme Scale access mode 
Opening Date: February 3rd2025
Deadline model: Multiple cut-off
Deadline : April 18th 2025 | October 17th 2025
EuroHPC JU Access Call for AI and Data-Intensive Applications 
Opening date: March 5th 2024
Deadline model: Multiple cut-off
Leonardo early access program (leap)
This call aims to provide selected users early access to the Booster module of EuroHPC Leonardo exascale precursor system. This partition module is expected to provide a computational performance over 240 Pflops. More details on the System architetture can be found here: Leonardo HPC System.
This access is tentatively planned from January 2023 until March 2023, during the Leonardo pre-production phase.
This call targets projects expected to have a high scientific impact by leveraging extremely large computing resource availability. The Leonardo Early Access Program (LEAP) call is open to all fields of science, industry, and the public sector. The projects must demonstrate to be production-ready and be able to exploit as much as efficiently possible the full performance of Leonardo in order to produce valuable scientific outcomes.
Project proposals will be assessed technically by CINECA HPC staff and ranked by a Scientific Committee based on scientific impact. Since the supercomputing system will be in the pre-production phase, CINECA cannot guarantee that all the selected proposals will be able to reach their goals or that the system will not experience unscheduled downtimes or maintenance periods.
The call is open to all researchers and no limitation of nationality will be applied in the selection phase. Proposals can be submitted by researchers from both public and private institutions. Only proposals with a civilian purpose will be eligible to participate.
CAll closed
Beginning of November 2022: call opening
December 4th 2022: closing call and starting of the Acceptance Procedure
End of December 2022: list of allowed projects
Beginning of April 2023: start of Leonardo Early Access Program
End of May 2023: End of Leonardo Early Access Program
The early access is provided to users with no guarantee for the project’s success. Due to the very nature of the pre-production phase, the system could be out of service for maintenance interventions with short to no warning time. Moreover, the early access program may last shorter or longer than foreseen or be shifted in time.
Here there is the template for access the Early Access Program.
The proposal must be submitted sending an email to [email protected]
For more information download the full call details.
For further clarifications please send an e-mail to [email protected]
Services description
For more information about Leonardo services, please see the following document.

This project has received funding from the European High Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (JU) under grant agreement No cnect.ddg1.c.2(2019)8804531 - LEONARDO supercomputer. The JU receives support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme.